Lost-n-Found Youth, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

4% complete

$10,000 Goal

There are approximately 3,374 homeless youth sleeping on the streets of Atlanta on any given night. 28 percent of those individuals are LGBTQ+, leaving over 950 homeless LGBTQ+ youth on the streets of Atlanta every night.

Since 2011, LNFY has served a critical need in the Atlanta community. Year over year LNFY has welcomed youth into its drop-in center and has been able to move hundreds of young adults from homelessness to independent living. It remains one of the only organizations with the specific mission of serving LGBTQ youth.

Your support ensures homeless LGBTQ youth have roofs over their heads, clothes on their backs, food in their bodies, and the opportunity to live successful, independent lives.

What We Do:
Our mission is to end homelessness for all LGBTQ youth by providing them with the skills and support needed to live independently. This mission is in support of our vision to see a world all youth feel safe and supported to live and love authentically. 

Daily we: 

• Answer our homeless LGBTQ youth hotline 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

• Provide a safe space at our Drop-In Youth Center where youth may shower, get a hot meal, do laundry, and access health services

• Operate a six-bed transitional housing program where homeless LGBTQ youth live as a family for up to 90 days while working towards       goals defined by case managers

• Provide emergency housing for youth up to 30 days as they begin their journey toward self-sufficiency. 

• Connect youth to critical resources, including mental and physical health services 

  • Provide clothing vouchers and apartment packs to youth and homeless youth in need of assistance

Visit us on:
Facebook - facebook.com/LostNFoundYouth
Twitter - twitter.com/Lostnfoundyouth
Instagram - instagram.com/lost.n.found.youth 

Organization Data


Organization name

Lost-n-Found Youth, Inc.

Tax id (EIN)



2585 Chantilly Dr NE
Atlanta, GA 30324



Social Media